Svalbard is a 83-page comic book I've written, illustrated and self published. It is a story on the QUAD universe, a post-apocalyptic world created by Eduardo Schaal, Eduardo Ferigato, Aluísio Santos and me.
The arkships were four huge spaceships intended to transport humans to colonize other planets, but since the Storm (an event that destroyed every kind of communication on Earth), they lost contact with the ships and declared the mission failed.
In this story Jeff, the chief of the Trashmen (a group of hoverbikers that roams the Earth searching for ancient objects to trade), discovers that a signal from the failed arkships missions was picked up by his old partner Martha. The signal comes from the cold and distant place called Svalbard.

Svalbard cover

Back cover
Internal Pages

Concept Art






B. – an unused character that I may revisit in the future.
